
Friday, July 11, 2014

Top 5 Friday

This week has certainly been eventful, so I thought I would post my top five favorite things from this week, David Letterman's Top Ten style.

Yeah, maybe I am a little late in the game (who starts a blog in 2014?), but I am just now discovering this photo editing app called VSCO Cam.  This app makes my top 5 faves for the week because it makes me feel like a hipster photographer even though I'm super not.
I took this one over 4th of July of my outfit for the day. 

Consistent with my 'behind the times' theme here I finally gave in and got Netflix. What's next on my horizon? Spotify premium?
Anyway it's been great for watching old reruns of The Office which is my go-to way to relax after a crazy week. I also discovered this show called Once Upon a Time. Two episodes in, so far so good!

Andy's Frozen Custard. This place is a Tyler favorite for the locals and tourists alike. I have been getting chocolate concrete with Reese's peanut butter cups mixed in because I am a child. Actually, I am a child because I ate Andy's frozen custard for dinner yesterday. Whoops.

Saw You First--Givers.
I am all about this song this week. My friend Camille (see below) told me about Givers and they are so great! Definitely on my Summer 2014 playlist.
If you know me, you know I love live music. There is a YouTube channel called LaBlogotheque that does these amazing "take-away shows". This is a live version that the Givers recorded in a kitchen. You can even see them using kitchen items for percussion. How cool?! The song actually starts at about 1:40 if you wanna skip ahead.

I get to spend this weekend with one of my dearest friends/roommates, Camille! She spent the last couple of months interning with an inner city ministry called City Impact in the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco. This girl loves on people so well and is just such a great reflection of Jesus! We are going to explore her hometown and Dallas this weekend which will be a blast. Post to come about our findings! :)

So no matter how crazy or hectic your week may have been, take Maria's advice and remember a few of your favorite things and then you won't feel so bad! 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Whatever is lovely

"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovelywhatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things..." Philippians 4:8

Don't you just love the word "lovely"?

It's one of the most beautiful words in the English language, in my opinion.
Even the thought of that word triggers images in my mind of simple flowers or a pretty dress that Grace Kelly would have worn. It makes me think of a quaint small town or that feeling you get when everything, even for a moment, seems right with the world. 
It just has that airy peacefulness about it.

There is a feeling even better than that airy peacefulness that can come only through Christ. Jesus can give us the type of peace that surpasses all understanding of this world. In fact, the verse right before this promises us this.

Philippians 4:8 calls us to 'think about these things'. Things that are true--not lies from the enemy; things that are honorable--not things that bring guilt or shame. Thoughts that are lovely; not those that are ugly are hateful. 

I am learning that my thought life and prayer life should be so intertwined that my natural thoughts throughout the day can be simple, honest connections with the Creator of the universe.

With that, I am so guilty of letting my mind wander throughout the day. A day that can start in the Word and listening to Rend Collective on the way to work can quickly fizzle into being overwhelmed, stressed and negative. By the time I drive home I am left frustrated by red lights and wondering why I am even here.

"Prone to wander, party of one."

Yes, I could mope about how things did not go just right, or dwell in the land of negativity and comparison in my mind, but He has called me to so much more than that. 

This is where grace comes in.

I don't have to dwell in my guilt. I can have freedom through Christ! There truly is power in the name of Jesus. 
Jesus died on the cross and rose again for all our sins-past, present and future.

That is what I will think about. 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

along for the ride.

Hello and welcome to my blog!

I have secretly been wanting to start a blog for a while now but for some reason never followed through. I wanted a space where I can write about how Jesus is continually changing my life, share recipes and crafts from Pinterest, fashion, music I love, travel dreams, whatever! Yes that may seem a little eclectic and scattered, but that is my life--an organized mess.

Well, here we go.

Now I am going to preface this blog by asking you would come into it with little to no expectations. I'm not sure how often I will post or what they will look like when I do.
I say this because I have found that I come into any new experience with TONS of expectations. Sometimes I will lie in bed at night creating scenarios in my head, and when considering major life decisions I will tirelessly scour every possible situation. 
But for what? Can I, by worrying, add one moment to my life? {Matthew 6:27 has the answer} (spoiler alert: no. no I cannot.)

You see, the Lord is teaching me right now a little thing about expectations and control and how His plans are so. much. better.

I graduated high school and started my freshman year at Texas A&M thinking I would leave with a business degree. JOKES. I joined organizations, took many different types of classes, and changed majors. A lot of other ups and downs along the way came in four years but all that to say is almost everything I thought would happen totally did not go down that way. 
But I LOVED the way it all turned out!
So why do I continue to think my way is better?

So here I am, taking a giant leap of faith in Tyler, Texas, trusting that God has me here for a beautiful purpose. I'm just along for the ride. :)